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Vector Logo (ai file): American International University Bangladesh (AIUB)

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The American International University Bangladesh (AIUB) logo is a symbol of academic excellence and global perspective. For graphic designers working on projects related to AIUB, understanding the logo's intricacies is crucial. This blog post dives into the details of the AIUB logo, providing a comprehensive guide for its use.

Vector Logo (ai file): American International University Bangladesh (AIUB)

Color Palette:

  • Primary Color: AIUB utilizes a deep blue (#002E63) as its primary color. This shade evokes feelings of trust, knowledge, and stability, perfectly aligning with the university's values.
  • Secondary Color: The logo employs a golden yellow (#FFCC00) as its secondary color. This bright hue signifies achievement, excellence, and innovation, reflecting AIUB's commitment to academic pursuits.

Logo Description:

The AIUB logo features a stylized emblem composed of two elements:

  • Globe: A blue globe represents the university's international outlook and its commitment to fostering a diverse student body.
  • Book: An open book, positioned on the globe, signifies the pursuit of knowledge and education, which forms the core of AIUB's mission.

Additional Considerations:

  • Clear Space: Maintain a clear space around the logo to ensure its readability across various applications. The university might provide specific guidelines regarding the minimum clear space requirement.
  • File Formats: The AIUB logo should be available in various vector formats like AI, EPS, and SVG for maximum scalability and editing flexibility.
  • Variations: It's recommended to check if the university offers different logo variations, such as a horizontal or vertical layout, for specific use cases.

FAQs for Graphic Designers:

  1. Can I modify the AIUB logo? No, it's strictly advised against modifying the logo's core elements (colors, shapes). You can adjust its size and use the approved variations, but maintaining brand consistency is essential.
  2. Where can I find the official AIUB logo files? The university might provide a dedicated download section on their website where you can access the logo files in various formats. Alternatively, you can contact the university's graphic design department for assistance.
  3. Can I use the AIUB logo for personal projects? Generally, the AIUB logo is meant for official university-related purposes. If you're unsure about using it for a personal project, it's best to contact the university for permission.

By understanding these guidelines, graphic designers can ensure the proper and consistent use of the AIUB logo in their projects, effectively representing the university's brand identity.

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